EDIT: I think I may have figured out the issue. I've probably been approaching how to apply animations wrong from the start. I think I should have been using addAnimation instead of always using setAnimation. Once I tested out applying the ArmRaise animation on Track 1 by first setting to the EmptyAnimation and then addAnimation(ArmRaise) it was smooth with no snapping, and doesn't seem to be using the setup pose at all.
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out how to mix in an animation on a higher track such that it:
1) Smoothly transitions in (no snapping)
2) Doesn't reference the setup pose AT ALL.
If I had a character that is running (animation track 0, loops, keys every bone), and I want him to raise his hands in the air (animation track 1, does not loop, only keys the arms) while continuing to run, how can I do it?
I've been reading the forums for a while, and it seems like AnimationState had some changes, so that has been partially confusing me. I keep seeing information on setting an EmptyAnimation, but it seems to keep saying that by using the empty animation, it will then mix from Setup Pose into the new animation. I don't want it to mix from setup pose, I want it to 'mix in' the Arm-Raising animation from exactly where it is in its Run animation.
Really appreciate any help 🙂
I'd like to add that right now I'm not using any empty animation tracks, and it is snapping.
If instead I setEmptyAnimationTrack on track 1, and then immediately addAnimation(armRaise), no arm raise animation plays at all. It says that track 1 is empty. This may be due to my implementation of applying animations -> Every frame when the arm-raise animation is supposed to be playing, I check to see if the current animation on track 1 is the arm-raise animation. If it isn't, I then run the code to start the animation (which I had switched to setEmpty / addAnimation).
Does it sit on 'empty animation' for a whole frame before it switches to the animation I set with addAnimation(armRaise) ?
If so, I could see why it is constantly stuck on <Empty>.
Also I'm using LibGDX
Also, this doesn't happen in the Preview panel in Spine. So I'm guessing/hoping its something with my implementation.