- Edited
custom bone positions for skins
Skins are awesome. I love them and they work great.
Is there a way to have custom bone positions too? Or custom setup positions?
I have 26 characters....very similar, but I want their eyes in slightly different positions. It all works perfectly with the skins, but the eye bone positions are the same. I would like to be able to move the eyes for each skin setup...or else I have to make 26 separate character exports.
thanks for any help. Hope that made sense.
I figured it out!
In Spine, I select the skin I want to customize, then add a new animation and just set one key for the new bone positions.
The I do a state:addAnimation
You can have each eye image for different skins in a different place, even if the bone is in the same place. Using an animation to change the bone positions would also work, as long as you don't then play another animation that keys bone position.
I just hit a need for exactly this. Excellent idea, carmandale. I'll be sure to try it ASAP.
The only downside is it seems like I can only try this in-engine. Is there a way to mix animations in the Spine editor itself?
While were at it, is the ability to reposition bones in different skins something that could possibly be added as a core feature?
Skins are only for attachments, they don't affect bones. You can manipulate bone positions at runtime though. If all you need are your attachments in a different place (eg eyes wider apart like the OP wanted), the position of each attachment can be different for each skin.
Nate wrotethe position of each attachment can be different for each skin.
The thing with that is, that puts my attachments in new places relative to my bones, which will change how they behave with the same animations. So I guess I should try the addition trick, then?
Probably they will behave correctly, give it a shot.
Will do. I'll report back when I've tried it.
For the project I am working on right now we finish the basic character first, duplicate the file and change the position of the bones in setup mode to create a slightly different one... of course then we have a different export for every character and don't really use the skin feature.
So yeah, it would be great to have more than one setup position and maybe the ability to change to those setups in combination with the skins. This way you could have characters with small and wide shoulders still using the same animations.