• Runtimes
  • [UE4] Can't save object with references to Spine in it

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Hey everyone

I'm trying to make a tool that automatically creates the actor type I need and populates it with the spine atlas and skeleton data that is selected in the content browser. I have to do this over and over so making it faster would be really nice.

I set up an editor utility widget to run my script, which seems to work, but I can't save the object it creates:

I also get a crash if I try to open the object.

I guess I'll start pasting code in the hope that someone spots what the problem is.

I have SpinePlugin and SpineEditorPlugin in my module dependencies.

This is how I attach the spine components:

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "Spine")
    USpineSkeletonDataAsset * SpineSkeleton;

UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, Category = "Spine")
    USpineAtlasAsset * SpineAtlas;
ASpineActor::ASpineActor(const class FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer)
    PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
    SpineSkeletonRenderer = NewObject<USpineSkeletonRendererComponent>(this, FName(TEXT("SpineSkeletonRenderer")));
    SpineSkeletonAnimation = NewObject<USpineSkeletonAnimationComponent>(this, FName(TEXT("SpineSkeletonAnimation")));

SpineSkeletonAnimation->SkeletonData = SpineSkeleton;
SpineSkeletonAnimation->Atlas = SpineAtlas;

And this is the script I wrote to create and save the actor: https://pastebin.com/0nkkY0Bn

Hm, the code looks fine to me, especially the property definitions which should do the trick. How did you specify the dependency on the Spine plugin(s)?

My mistake, I needed to use UBlueprint to create a blueprint of my class instead of instantiating it and saving it, after which everything worked fine.

The other mistake was not to use CreateDefaultSubObject() in the constructor. I erroneously believed that like the Highlander there could be only one.

Once I sorted those out it's working perfectly, although I still need to work out how to save changes made programmatically to the CDO.

CreateDefaultSubObject() has had me bang my head a few walls as well... Glad you figured out most of the issue. I'm afraid my UE4 foo (and their docs) aren't quite up to snuff to give valuable advice here.

4 days later

No problem at all. I finished what I was doing and now I have a useful tool for creating spine actors from a bulk selection in the content browser. I'll post it here once I've cleaned it up a bit.