Hi there 🙂. I had a project that used Spine version 3.6.x (I believe) for its animations. Skeleton Lit was used so the spine characters would be affected by in-game lighting.
We recently moved to the latest version of Spine. I have imported the latest runtime, then re-imported the models as required. After that, it seems Skeleton Lit is no longer affected by in-game lighting. The character instead looks slightly grey in-game, as if there are no light sources in the scene (which there is). I had the same character in the same scene (with the same lighting) previously. Everything looked fine until the version updates, so I am confident there are no other factors at play.
The Unity version I am using is 2018.3.7f1. Happy to provide screenshots, though I am uncertain how much they would help.
Thank you! Hope I can get some advice on this.
Hi again. As a quick update, I noticed directional lights still affect Skeleton Lit shaders, but the other ones (I had some point lights that worked before the updates) no longer seem to work. Thanks!