No problem. Excuse it if it's a bit lengthy/messy.
So first off, I added a boolean field to the Atlas class.
bool loadFromContent = false;
Then I set it in the main Atlas constructor by adding a "fromContent" parameter, so it becomes
public Atlas (string path, TextureLoader textureLoader, bool fromContent = false) {
if (fromContent)
loadFromContent = true;
I added the below method signature to the TextureLoader interface.
void LoadFromContentPipeline(AtlasPage page, string imgName);
In the XnaTextureLoader class, I added the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content namespace and a contentManager field.
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content;
public class XnaTextureLoader : TextureLoader {
GraphicsDevice device;
string[] textureLayerSuffixes = null;
ContentManager contentManager = null;
In the XnaTextureLoader constructor, I added an optional parameter to pass in a content manager, so it becomes
public XnaTextureLoader (GraphicsDevice device, bool loadMultipleTextureLayers = false, string[] textureSuffixes = null, ContentManager content = null) {
this.device = device;
if (loadMultipleTextureLayers)
this.textureLayerSuffixes = textureSuffixes;
if (content != null)
contentManager = content;
I then added a new method that loads a texture from the ContentManager. As of now I only have it working for single textures.
public void LoadFromContentPipeline(AtlasPage page, String imgName)
if (contentManager != null)
Texture2D texture = contentManager.Load<Texture2D>(imgName);
page.width = texture.Width;
page.height = texture.Height;
page.rendererObject = texture;
throw new Exception("ContentManager cannot be null.");
Back in the Atlas class, in the load method, where it calls the textureLoader.Load method, I check if "loadFromContent" is true, and call the LoadFromContentPipeline method if so.
textureLoader.Load(page, Path.Combine(imagesDir, line));
if (loadFromContent)
textureLoader.LoadFromContentPipeline(page, "Content\\" + line.Substring(0, line.Length - 4)); //stripping the .png extension from the filename in accordance to syntax used when loading from the ContentManager
textureLoader.Load(page, Path.Combine(imagesDir, line));
In the ExampleGame class, in the SpineboySceen constructor, I set PremultipliedAlpha to true, and create the atlas with the new parameters for the atlas and texture loader.
public SpineboyScreen(Example game) : base(game) {
skeletonRenderer.PremultipliedAlpha = true;
And finally
atlas = new Atlas("data/spineboy.atlas", new XnaTextureLoader(game.GraphicsDevice));
atlas = new Atlas("data/spineboy.atlas", new XnaTextureLoader(game.GraphicsDevice, false, null, game.Content), true);
Also, when testing with my own assets, I noticed when doing it this way, that I had to export my atlas from Spine with Premultiplied Alpha UNchecked, otherwise I would still get the outlines. I'm assuming that the content pipeline also premultiplies when processing the assets, but I could be wrong.