msqsw 先在bone2子集下建立一个路径约束体系,再为bone2建立一个变换约束(或者路径约束)则bone2子集的路径约束会丢失 把这个步骤反过来 先为bone2建立一个变换约束(或者路径约束,再为bone2子集的路径建立路径约束体系,则结果正常。 My English is not good,I don't know if this is a known problem
Nate 这是正常的。 您可以通过在树中拖动约束来调整约束的应用顺序: 约束 - Spine用户指南: 顺序 This is normal. You can adjust the order the constraints are applied by dragging them in the tree: Constraints: Order 此图显示了它是如何工作的: This image shows how it works: Loading Image