Hello all! I've been thinking of moving to Aseprite instead of Photoshop since I mostly do pixel art anyway. Is there a script like the one for Photoshop (https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-scripts/blob/master/photoshop/PhotoshopToSpine.jsx) that will automatically export the individual layers in their proper position into spine from Aesprite? Thank you!
Script for importing from Aseprite?
- Edited
Hello, there is no such script at the moment I'm writing, but users are free to develop their own import scripts, and we'll be happy to make them available for the community! (in fact, only the photoshop script is developed by us, the rest are user contributed scripts!)
Hello! Sorry to revive this ancient thread from the grave, but I've finally found the time to develop this script. I've got a crude version here: https://github.com/jordanbleu/aseprite-to-spine. It doesn't have as many features as the Photoshop script yet but it works for what I needed!
Also, if you think it could be worth adding to the official spine scripts repository let me know and I can create a pull request!
Sure, we'd be happy to add it to the spine-scripts repository!
Replying here just to point out that the software is called Aseprite, not Aesprite. So the script would be Aseprite to Spine.
I write this noit because I have OCD (well, not too much :lol: ) but just because I tried searching for it on Google and Bing and none of the two can find this thread which might be super useful for more people, while searching with the wrong name was finding it on page 1. Amazing job anyway, thanks @bloos_magoos
Haha, I also had to Google it to check the spelling.
The PR has been merged!
I fixed the thread title spelling
Thank you bloos and spine crew! This is very appreciated as I use aseprite too!