• Bugs
  • NullReferences on import after anim name change + custom mix

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Hi there,

I've experienced a scary issue when re-importing my skeletons' JSONs onto my Unity project.

This, basically...:

It makes the SkeletonDataAsset inaccessible...:

This was after changing the names of some animations, which happened to have Custom Mix Times configured on the SkeletonDataAsset...:

(this is how it was before the first re-import attempt)

So, I needed to rename those animations back to their original names, reimport, delete those custom mix times, change the names again in Spine, reimport, and the it was fine.

Now I need to reconfigure those mix times, which is not a big deal, but I was wondering if this something to expect, or a very specific bug.

If it's the latter, then here's my report. :p


Edit: my versions are Spine 3.8.99, Unity 2019.4.9f1 and its Spine runtimes 3.8-2021-04-02

Awesome! Much appreciated.

a year later

Sorry for the very long delay!

This issue has just been fixed on the 4.1-beta branch. A new 4.1-beta spine-unity unitypackage is available for download:
Spine Unity Download: Download

It will unfortunately not be fixed on 4.0 branch since the modification would potentially break the existing API (due to a modified method signature).

Spine property Inspector fields (Animation Name, Bone Name, Slot Name and similar) now also display the name in red when the respective animation/bone/etc no longer exists at the skeleton data.

Thanks for reporting!

I'm still on 3.8.99, but thank you all the same! ^_^

🙂 You're welcome. In case you would like to manually integrate the changes, the commit is this one. The changes however do not prevent any exception from happening, this already no longer occurred on the 4.0 branch (this seems to have been fixed in an earlier commit already), but it does improve the error messages and adds red error coloring of popup Inspector buttons 🙂.