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  • How to resize complete files of animated sprites frame by

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I have a problem, how to resize complete files of animated sprites frame by frame.

Infact when I select all the images and want to resize them, but each time it selects only the first image, I can't resize everything with one click. Watch the video to better understand!

This guy.. definitely should work

This guy ?
No, It doesn't work either

Syneos wrote

This guy ?

was referring to the bone in the image.

Make sure those buttons are not pressed

The viewport and tree selections are separate, though when selecting something in one it selects it in the other, if possible. The viewport shows what is selected there, so you know what you are going to manipulate. You can't manipulate attachments in the viewport that aren't visible in the viewport, even if they are selected in the tree.

If you must modify many attachments under the same slot, you can drag them to a bone, so they all get their own slot, allowing them to be visible in the viewport at the same time. Then you can select and manipulate them all at once. You can select them with box select, or via the tree (filters can help there). When done you can change their parent in the tree back to the single slot.

What warmanw was saying is to manipulate the bones that the attachments are attached to, rather than manipulating each attachment.

I don't know if it's because I had run Spine in beta or for what other reason, but before that it didn't work and when I moved for example, the keys were oddly reversed, everything was buggy. When I resized the bone, the following images no longer followed a faith that I switched to "animation" mode, they were reset.
In the morning, I said to myself, well I'm going to find a solution, I try again, and there it is, magic! I resize the bone once more and I check, the images followed this faith! Thanks for your help!

Not sure what's going on with that! If you have attachment compensation enabled that might explain it. That's the button in the toolbar that says "Images". Don't activate that normally!