Erika I recommend giving a read at our blog section if you're looking for tutorials: 如果您正在寻找教程,我建议您阅读我们的博客部分: Blog: Spine Spotlight: Jorge Bompart There's also longer untranslated streams here: 这里还有更长的未翻译流: Spine: Twitch They are free! I hope this helps. 他们是免费的! 我希望这有帮助。
Nate We also have many videos with Chinese subtitles: 我们也有许多带有中文字幕的视频。 Spine: Videos See these videos on bilibili: 请看这些关于bilibili的视频。 I know it's not exactly what you are asking about, but I hope you find it helpful. 我知道这不完全是你要问的问题,但我希望你觉得有帮助。