• Bugs
  • [4.0.54] Ctrl + ClickDrag a key in Dopesheet to crash Spine

  1. Tested in two separate spine files
  2. Opened animation stage and tested multiple click and drag methods over keys.
  3. Ctrl + Click and holding on a key doesn't crash until you begin dragging the mouse. Then instant crash. Confirmed it happens every time on separate files.

Works fine when Ctrl + Drag starts on an empty area of the timeline. Also works fine when just ctrl + clicking an empty area. Works fine when holding a single key and dragging. Only Ctrl+Drag on a key crashes.

Error log attached

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Thank you for writing in about your issue and posting your error log. I've alerted our team of programmers, and hope that we can resolve your issue soon.

Hello; as a follow-up, I just wanted to let you know that I've also been able to reproduce the error.
We are currently at work trying to figure out the source of the error.

I apologize for the trouble.

same issue here ..... app crash when drag keyframes to copy paste :tear: 😢

Hello, I'm experiencing the same issue.

To all in the thread:

Nate has pushed update 4.0.55, which has fixed the issue. Please update and see if this assists with your issue

It works now. Thank you. I found out there was an update because I made Spine crash again and it prompted me to upgrade the file lol.