@Nate Thanks for your extensive reply. I wanted to react sooner, but couldn't find the time, needed to let it sink in, testing and taking the time to form a response that is hopefully helpful to you.
Nate wroteIt would be possible to represent sequences completely differently. Instead of using FPS, keys in the dopesheet would control which frame is shown, as you showed above. This is interesting and I agree it would be powerful, but it would take away some of the simplicity given by specifying the FPS.
I hear you and you bring up valid points and giving me great inside in why it is build this way in the beta. Another point against my proposal I can give is that with many frames the graph can get very high quickly. This would probably never be an issue on projects made for runtimes I would expect, as these are probably always build to load quick, especially online. But projects with animations for video might use sequences with a lot of frames though, once people see the benefits.
I think both ways have easy parts and tedius parts. One isn't easier than the other per se, it's just a matter of the use case. The way it works now is indeed easy when we treat the sequence as a player and count on all sequences to be completely prebaked and not used (much) differently; we have play/stop/loop/pingpong/reverse etc and can change the framerate. But when we want to do more advanced stuff and want to treat the sequence as a creative resource to creatively play around with and manually control, it can get complicated fast.
I think it's safe to say lots of Spine users got pretty advanced creative results from Spine and could do that because tools can be manually controlled. I don't believe many people would have thought people would come up with even 3d-looking animations this good for example.
So to assume people would only use sequences for simple playback of prebaked frames is a oversimplification IMO. Not saying that you do simplify this though, as you made that clear in your post and I understand where you're coming from. I'm just a little afraid that the chosen way is too short lived, too simplified for what people really gonna use it for, too limiting and that we soon more users will find out that it's not convenient to do the stuff we'd like to do with sequences.
Than we are building Spine files on a system that soon will be seen as too limited and than it's hard to rebuild it because of compatibility issues etc. That's why I post this while still in beta.
Spine users come up with the craziest creative results, people would not even think would be possible before, just because they have the tools to do so. I think it would be an oversimplification to think users would only use sequences to play a pre-baked animation. The real power is in the control. And only when the control is there great things can happen.
To illustrate this watch this simple real life example; scaling the animation doesn't scale the sequence:
I think we agree there are two ways to look at this. As you rightfully pointed out. I understand your view on it better now and agree with you that both ways have pros and cons and in an ideal situation we could either find the right balance or switch to one of the methods, depending on the use case.
Nate wroteOur goal for this feature was to make an easy way to bring in image sequences, such as those for VFX. Typically those are created with the intention to play them at a particular FPS.
What is 'constant speed'? What will a runtime do with animations in general when the framerate drops? And what will it do with the framerate of sequences when that happens?
- Will Spine animations slow down? Or does the animation keeps its speed, but skips frames to stay on time?
- How about the frame sequences? Does the sequence keep its speed, or skips frames to stay on time?
- Do both keep their sync to each other?[/b]
If a sequence slows the animation down on slow computers, but the sequence is skipping frames instead, or visa versa, the animation goes out of sync and that could cause problems when the sequences are intended to be synced with the 'bone animations'.
Nate wrotePreviously, bringing them into Spine meant setting a key to show each frame. While this gives complete control over when frames are shown, it is quite tedious. With our sequence implementation in the 4.1-beta, it is now very easy. We've wanted this feature since we released Spine via Kickstarter, 9 years ago! It looked like a good feature to get into 4.1, as it wouldn't take too long (spoiler: it was harder than expected).
Yes, we can do it the old way. To recreate the example above like this:
But than it could be even easier to program everything ourselves in the host of the runtime and the whole point of the Spine editor is that we can animate it in the editor right?
It's definitely a way forward in the beta. I am only a little scared that we will start building projects with this new system, which IMO is difficult to use for real life use cases when wanting to be a little more creative besides just playing of a completely pre-baked animation. And yes, I understand that there might be difficulties in framerates when scaling it down. But that's up to the animator to judge IMO and I'm pretty sure people will come up with the craziest new creations just by having the tools, we cannot even predict yet.
I see Spine as an animation editor and think it's safe to assume some people like to animate in Spine. Also sequences. Especially because that might help us keeping the amount of frames needed small and be creative with it. To treat sequences as a player with a framerate is too limited and assumes the use case too much IMO.
Nate wroteIf we had only your proposal, it wouldn't meet the simplicity goals for the most common use case, which again is to play a sequence of images at a specific FPS.
I fully agree that when just wanting to just play a sequence (start / stop and think in frame rates) the chosen path is the easiest. But that's pretty limited. If we even want the slightest do more advanced stuff it gets complicated fast. So I think the simplicity is depending on the use case.
Nate wroteBTW, for some loosely related if unrequested bonus information, and to anticipate a possible next question of, "if we stick with FPS, why don't we allow it to be interpolated":
Sequences are controlled by a framerate, eg 12 frames per second (FPS). Currently the interpolation between keys for the sequence FPS is stepped. With a constant FPS between keys, we know at 12 FPS after 2 seconds we are showing frame 24.
How would linear or Bezier work? Eg if I'm going from 1 to 10 FPS over 4 seconds, with linear I know that at 2 seconds the FPS would be 5.5. That's OK, but what frames do we show between the keys? If we use the interpolated FPS to show the frames, the frames will appear to change faster than the intended FPS. I've made an animation to show what this looks like:
Sorry, I don't get the animation you posted with the numbers in it, but I do understand what you mean and of course you are right that easing isn't as smooth (when not done well). But IMO you're assuming too much now for the user:
- What if a user is having a sequence with a higher framerate than the actual animation and the runtime skips frames to match the actual framerate of the animation? Of coarse, if not an integer factor of the actual framerate things don't line up, but that might also be used as an effect for instance and there are ways to make it work too. IMO not even giving the tool to the creator is an oversimplification and thinking for creative people. People come up with the craziest ideas and effects we cannot predict. And even on tv and films a lot of VFX even were invented by 'issues' in technical systems (like the neverending loop of picture in picture because of feedback loops in a video mixer for example).
- It's never sure at what framerate animations plays in the runtime and framerates might drop on slow computers/phones etc.. As stated above; How does the runtime treat sequences vs bone animations when this happens?
BTW, your example gif of the numbers running is an excelent example of a great use case for easing. I can think of ways that are really interesting in animations when animating counters for instance that need to slow down with an ease in the end.
So this long post in short:
- I fully get where you're coming from and I agree my proposal isn't the only way and both ways have pros and cons.
- I understand having a way to play a sequence is better than nothing
- I agree that it's simple to use like this when treated as a player of pre-baked animations. But when needing more control it's getting complicated and frustrating IMO soon; preventing innovation and creative use cases to happen IMO.
- Please don't underestimate Spine users and assume users want simplicity over full control
- Please keep in mind people come up with the craziest ideas and use cases we cannot even think of, once they have the tools
- Hope you could consider the above before launching the system as is. Because once it's out there it could cause compatibility issues when wanting to change later.
I think the best way would be something in between or having both worlds, like you also seem to think. And some things you see as challenge can be solved, like things that auto calculate for you.
But I think the real questions are:
- do we mostly focus to create tools for simplification and limit based on assumptions, or create tools that are easy to use for more advanced users to give users full control? Or else: how could we have the best for both worlds.
- do we launch sequences quickly because now we don't have anything else for that yet and it's nice to mention in the changelog and blogs, or do we rethink the system further to be sure we don't have compatibility issues when needed later?
These are questions only you can answer. I can only hope. Hope this makes sense and you understand I get your points though.
13 jan 2022:
Hi @Nate, it's been two weeks ago since I responded directly to you on the forum but so far no reaction from you here. I see you react daily here and also see you react to forum posts with the message that you missed posts.
Just to be clear you didn't miss this one, as I took the time to test things out, upload a video and respond: could you let me know if you read this post and what you think of it?
Thanks in advance!