• Editor
  • Video Driver must support OpenGL 2.0 or higher....

I keep getting this error every time I open spine- I've reinstalled, reverted windows updates, reinstalled my graphics driver, but nothing seems to have worked. I'm on Windows 10, my graphics driver is NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 and is definitely up to date.

I'd love any help with this!


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Sorry for the trouble! I assume you are using the official NVIDIA drivers? Which version of Spine are you trying to run? Could you send us your spine.log file? Spine Troubleshooting

Mario wrote

Sorry for the trouble! I assume you are using the official NVIDIA drivers? Which version of Spine are you trying to run? Could you send us your spine.log file? http://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-troubleshooting

Hi Mario, thanks for getting back to me. Definitely using the NVIDIA drivers, and I've attached the log. Thanks!

Thanks. For some reason your GPU is using the "generic GDI" driver, not the Nvidia driver. The generic driver is what Windows uses when it doesn't have anything better. I'm not sure why that would be. You can check in Device Manager which driver the GPU is set to use. You might try uninstalling the Nvidia driver's completely, then reinstalling them.

As a further note: if you're still unable to get Spine to run and are still getting the video driver error, you can force your computer to use the GTX 1650 by going to the Nvidia Control Panel application under "Manage 3D Settings".

You can try setting the Preferred Graphics Processor to your High Performance Graphics Processor (GTX 1650) for your computer under the Global Settings tab, or you can manually set Spine to run using the GTX 1650 via the Program Settings tab. Please see the screenshot below for more details.