• Editor
  • Exporting different skins on their own sprite sheet.


I'm building my game where the Player can be a Hamster or a Beaver. There are 8 directions he can face. (Up/Down/Left/Right/Diagonals)

The player can also wear a Pirate Hat, Viking Hat, or Roman Helmet.

Thanks to the 'Skins view' I can swap what type of animal the character is, and I can swap what hat the character is wearing - which lets me test every animation, in every direction, with every combination of item! Which is awesome!

Now it's time to export Sprite Sheets and JSON files.

By default I see everything exports into one sprite sheet. But for scalability I'd like every type of animal and hat on their own sprite sheet. Eventually this game will feature dozens of animals, and thousands of items, which is why I'm needing a fairly modular solution for the export. Is there a way to export every animal and item on it's own sheet? ((Apologies if I'm missing something very obvious))

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Check out our guide on Texture Packing, this may very well help you understand how to use it more efficiently in your workflow.
Texture packing - Spine User Guide: Packing

But to answer your question better, you can do the following steps to (potentially) help solve your workflow issue:

  1. You can use the Texture Packer (by clicking on Spine in the top left corner, and then clicking on Texture Packer) on multiple folders to export separate atlases.

  1. When you have the Spine runtimes integrated into your project, you can modify the AtlasAttachmentLoader to pull the different atlases that you have into your project, by resolving your attachment names and paths to an atlas texture region.

Please let us know if this helps; if not, we'd be happy to help further.

17 days later

I'm coordinating with my programmer and we'll see if this sorts it out! : )

Thank you very much for the response!