• Bugs
  • Inkscape 1.2 to Spine script not working?

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im not sure if its me but when i try using the latest github script, inkscape 1.2 detects it but when i press it under Extensions > Spine, neither option works. Is a window supposed to pop up? I have the four files installed in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. If it is broken can someone tell me which older version of inkscape i should be using? the previous thread only mentions "1.x", so i wasnt sure it its a problem on my end or an outdated script.

5 months later
6 months later

Doesn't work at all in inkscape 1.2.2, the scripts need to be updated.

23 days later

The scripts don't work for me either (Inkscape v1.2.2).

When I click "Extensions > Spine > Spine Export...", nothing happens and no popup appears.

When I click "Extensions > Spine > Spine Export - Paths...", the popup appears and works just fine, but there's the same error all the time:

/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py:52: DeprecationWarning: inkex.elements.svg.width -> Use :func:viewport_width instead
self.hw = self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.width) / 2
/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py:53: DeprecationWarning: inkex.elements.svg.height -> Use :func:viewport_height instead
self.hh = self.svg.unittouu(self.svg.height) / 2
/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py:240: DeprecationWarning: inkex.deprecated.main.transform_mul -> Use @ operator instead
m2 = inkex.Transform(m2) * inkex.Transform(m)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 308, in <module>
File "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex/base.py", line 231, in run
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 59, in effect
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 300, in _main_function
self.traverse(node, [], [])
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 280, in traverse
self.parsePath(node, transforms, names)
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 259, in parsePath
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 143, in opened2curves
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 121, in closed2curves
if self.is_line(csp[0], csp[0][i + 1]):
File "/home/metaphore/.config/inkscape/extensions/PathsToSpine.py", line 98, in is_line
return p1[1][0] == p1[2][0] and p1[1][1] == p1[2][1] and p2[0][0] == p2[1][0] and p2[0][1] == p2[1][1]
IndexError: string index out of range

Seems like the scripts are out of date.

5 days later

The export script was updated recently and is now compatible with Inkscape v1.2 (and the fresh v1.3 release).

See the official repo README

6 days later

I tried the script today and sadly I get the below error message.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "objects_to_spine.py", line 33, in <module>
    class SpineExporter(inkex.EffectExtension):
  File "objects_to_spine.py", line 120, in SpineExporter
    def collect_layers(self) -> list[BaseElement]:
TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

Inkscape 1.3 (0e150ed, 2023-07-21)
Operating System: Kubuntu 22.04

What I was attempting to export