Hi guys! just wanna show one of first animations for our action-platform game. Spine is so perfect and intuitive in use!
Later i'll tell more about game
And as all people here just can't waiting "Free-Form Deformation" stuff.
(from russia whith some games)

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The art is looking really nice! Thanks for sharing!

Nate wrote

The art is looking really nice! Thanks for sharing!

Not so long time ago i begun learning simple spine features. Before it i was drawing all animation in traditional style, very long process for one man (we have a team of two people: me and programmer). Spine gave a magnificient boost in my work, thanks to you for Spine!

Both those look pretty awesome!

I'm not a very experienced animator, but I like the way "weight" seems to behave in the second one (he seems nicely planted, and the gun recoil moves him).

I'd like to see more!

chrismweb wrote

Both those look pretty awesome!

I'm not a very experienced animator, but I like the way "weight" seems to behave in the second one (he seems nicely planted, and the gun recoil moves him).

I'd like to see more!

Thanks! Try do my best 🙂 . Now we are think about "Steals system" and "beat'em up" combat system. When we are finished the mechanics, I'll put here gameplay video).

7 days later

My first try to do FFD in walk cycle(Just Trying, FFD only on foots and torso). This is Awsome stuff Guys, thanks for it! :rock:

Hey R...

Great art and great animation. Well done.

5 months later

Small part of new animation, we are take Unity3D engine as foundation, so just can't wait, when programmer will create incredible gameplay demo 🙂

My first combo chain :punch: , i'll change it in next few days, (just need create more Dynamic basic poses and slice it on the parts)

Cool combo! 😃

I think the run animations look a bit floaty, could use a little more weight to them. It's like the weight of the upper body doesn't affect the pose of the feet at all when they hit the ground.

Shiu wrote

Cool combo! 😃

I think the run animations look a bit floaty, could use a little more weight to them. It's like the weight of the upper body doesn't affect the pose of the feet at all when they hit the ground.

Yeah, thanks for advice, try do my best for fix it XD

5 days later

Great Work!

Nice animations overall!

Looks cool, I'm loving the weapon the goblin has in his hand, what's that called? (if it even has a name that is) It's kind of interesting how it goes from being flat to a hand type thing.

JuanluGC wrote

Great Work!

Nice animations overall!

Thanks, we are still have many work to do, experimenting new features in gameplay, visual, storyline, and of course in animation.

musbah wrote

Looks cool, I'm loving the weapon the goblin has in his hand, what's that called? (if it even has a name that is) It's kind of interesting how it goes from being flat to a hand type thing.

This is secret brutal thing, more information will appear in gameplay video. :devil:

And some concept of the enemy

The style reminds me a bit of Warhammer 40k, but that's not a bad thing! 🙂

Shiu wrote

The style reminds me a bit of Warhammer 40k, but that's not a bad thing! 🙂

Yeah, it is! This is really fan-game based on the Warhammer 40K Universe, but we are dont have a purpose to copy and remake all aspects of the inspiration source. We have a lot of original vision and stuff in game.

Some of new monster's animation.... still need polishing/

2 months later

little bit more animations 🙂 first try to create animation whith IK pinnig,

Those last two and the two-legged monster both look awesome, man. You keep improving really fast.
Only one little advice, if you allow me, on the last animation of the armored guy on idle breathing, don't go so fast again to the beginning of the animation when he reaches the end...Make it a bit slower and it'll look more realistic.