• License name/email changes & Kickstarter badges

Russell Sullivan
original spine kickstarter

Subject: License name/email changes & Kickstarter badges

Shiu wrote

Want license name and email changed?

If you want your license name and email changed or you have bought two licenses and want to give one away, then please reply to the license email you got and want changed. Include the name and email you want to change it to and it will be taken care of.

Kickstarter badge reward

If you backed the first or second Kickstarter and want the badge to show below your profile name and avatar, please do the following.

  1. Send a PM to me by clicking the PM button below my post count on the left.
  2. If no subject is set, change it to Kickstarter badge reward.
  3. Write the name and email you use on Kickstarter. Also which Kickstarter you backed.
  4. Submit.

I'll then add the badge to your profile.
The Kickstarter badges will look like this.

Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

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