• Art Workshop

Hay Shane!
Ok so I know my timeframe now.
I would have time on either Tuesday, or Thursday afternoon from about 6pm (EST) onwards.
(max until arround 1 - 2 am though)
Probably also Friday, but I can't promise that one.
So, just let me know when would be good for you, and I mark my calender ;D

Cheers, Toby

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Okay EST is two hours ahead of me, so Tuesday 6pm would be 4pm my time. I could do that. (We did just change our clocks back one hour) . Not sure if the site you use to do the time conversions takes that into account 🙂 Guessing it does. Let us shoot for tuesday at 4pm. I might be a few minutes late as I have a consulting gig at 2:30 that day, but I will try to cut it off by 3:30 and be home by 3:50pm



Ah shit, I just noticed I made a huge fuckup- its not EST its CEST witch.. apparently is totally different...
However, As said before- i have time from 6pm onward- so it shouldnt actually matter much- only that it will be much later here in Berlin, but oh well- i dont mind going into the early morning hrs since thats usually my bed time anyways.

The only thing that came up on short notice, is that i hav an important buisness Call at 7pm.
but that shouldnt be a problem either as 4pm your time would equal abou 1am here in Berlin.

So yeah - making it short - affirmative!! =D

LOL this time zone thing is more difficult than it should be.

To confirm, by my estimation 4:30pm my time should be 12:30am your time.

used this:


Las Cruces (U.S.A. - New Mexico) Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 4:30:00 PM MST UTC-7 hours
Berlin (Germany - Berlin) Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 12:30:00 AM CET UTC+1 hour
Corresponding UTC (GMT) Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at 23:30:00

Haha, yes, shit gets confusing rly fast.
double and tripple checked to make sure- 12:30 am should be acurate.

And im still willing to do this- so affirmed.

just hit me up on skype when ure rdy-
Im looking forward to it =D

Cheers, Toby

okay ill cut my consulting gig short so I can be home 4-4:30pm tomorrow. 🙂

I will be at home on Skype in about 15 min! Maybe 20

A'Ight - Mail with a Zip of our Sessions stuff is out- hope its gonna be of good service to you