• Adobe Animate Export

Subject: Adobe Animate Export

ilusha wrote


I have prepared three examples. The simplest is the ball. It has only one sprite and simple translation and scale animations.

And two more complicated examples: ceratops and palms.

Every example contains fla, swf and animation export.


An official Adobe Animate example you can find here https://blogs.adobe.com/contentcorner/2017/07/03/create-a-texture-atlas-with-animate-cc-for-your-favorite-game-engines/. Also it has a link to unity plugin with source code.

Starling implementation: https://github.com/Gamua/Starling-Extension-Adobe-Animate

Just for curiosity, did you got any luck solving the issue?

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No, I didn't. I did not any actions on my side.
An animator in my project has strong background in Animate. But Animate doesn't have any integration with Starling. We tried to use GAF then stopped on Spine.
An animation workflow in Animate is much better than in Spine, and some types of animations we can made faster. So my idea just was to have a possibility to make an animation in Animate and to run it as usual Spine animation.

It's almost what's happening to me sometimes.

I've got some animations to add to a website, so I've acquired Spine for that. Now I'm trying to use it on a game, to use the flexibility Spine gives on changing skins and everything. But I really misses Flash.

I've heard that Moho have features for gamedev, and also the web, while including drawing tools. Looks like an "better Flash", but, well, I've spent money on Spine already and I'm tired of switching softwares.

Spine is cool, and I dont believe that making it read Animate's json is hard, but... I'm really low on time to keep an eye on that.

I will be back if I find something new.

Zimbres wrote

Spine is cool, and I dont believe that making it read Animate's json is hard, but... I'm really low on time to keep an eye on that.

Yes, I think the same way. It is unlikely that Spine will learn how to import the Animate format.
But now it doesn't matter for me. I use Spine for all scenarios in my game and don't want to change workflow or look for another tools. Sometimes we just need to accept the reality and develop projects without looking for an ideal workflow 🙂