• Rates

Rates are generally communicated in private, for example, I charge 45$/h to animate and rig, and 75$/h for pipeline review and teaching Spine to others. I charge perhaps more than others, I'm not sure, but I work directly for ES and only take sporadic, challenging work usually. (like people with characters that move in 8 directions all in the same skeleton 😃 )

If you're searching for an animator, you can ask them for their reels or sample work, if that's not enough you can ask them to do a test (in animating, rigging or both) which is common courtesy to pay at their rate.

If hourly rates scare you, ask them to do an estimate of how long they'll take to rig/animate a character (Showing the character). Generally, if they're professional, they'll stay within the estimate or warn you if more time is required and why.

Also here there's an unofficial Spine discord full of animators and whatnot:

I hope this can help you!


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