Friends, please introduce educational resources about Unreal Blueprint for Spine..??
Unreal Blueprint training resource for Spine
Can you be more specific? What is lacking in the docs? http://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-ue4
Or, for example, rotate Bone in Uneal via Blueprint??
Or video tutorials in Unreal how to work with Spine
In general, a complete reference from Spine when the output came to work in Unreal (now, when I bring my character to Unrail, how do I work with Blueprint or C++??)
Like this tutorial for Unity:
More and more of these tutorials for Unreal..
Ah, video tutorials. Misaki is currently working on that for Unreal!
Please send me the links
Thank You
mvsystem Creating a tutorial video for spine-ue4 is still in progress, so it is not published yet. It takes a lot of time to create tutorial videos, so I cannot say exactly when it will be available, but I hope to release it as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can ask us questions in this forum about what you are actually having trouble with. Any questions are welcome, no matter how simple they may seem, as they may possibly give us an idea of what we should cover in our tutorial video.
We are looking forward to it
how are you?
unreal training is ready?