• RuntimesGodot
  • [Godot] Editor display and permissions issues on macOS

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I would like to mention that setting the renderer to Compatibility fixes the font issue on the external display ...but why is that ?

The mutliple permission windows issue persist though

As before, I still have no idea how to fix this. Sadly, nobody on the Godot chat knows either.

  • zjjt replied to this.

    Mario It is truly weird...it is usable though but still a bit annoying...
    here is a video showing the permission issue persisting on Godot 4.2 on M1 Apple Silicon Sonoma 14.2.1.

      zjjt I have encountered a similar situation, but from what I have found in the Godot community, it must have been a problem that Godot originally had, not just spine-godot. In my case, I was able to solve the permission problem by creating a folder under the user folder to put my Godot project in, and opening it there.

      • zjjt replied to this.

        Misaki Thanks for pointing that out i will try it now

        Guys i have fixed the permissions issue on my end by running the following command in a terminal shell

        codesign -s - --deep /Applications/godot.app

        Hope it helps.

        Huh, I wonder if we could sign the app package with a temp key as well. Thanks for reporting!

        a month later

        Did you come to try signing the app package?

        I do have the permission issues on an M1-Mac, as well. With me, (Spine-)Godot is requesting access to a removable volume which makes sense because my projects folder is located on an external SSD. However, no other application on my system (including normal C#-enabled Godot) has that issue. In fact, I am experiencing it the first time ever, now that I'm trying to use Spine with Godot.

        Enabling access in system settings doesn't help nor does granting Spine-Godot full disk access. Running the terminal command that zjjt mentioned results in the message "---deep: no identity found" for me with no further effect.

        Googling the issue, people seem to have solved it with other software by notarizing the app with Apple, which appears to be nothing complicated but requires App Developer status which costs 99$/year.

        Perhaps that's something you guys could do?
        It's not a software-breaking issue, of course, but it's a hell of a lot annoying to have to click "Allow" two to six times on every opening of Godot and every little build you try to playtest.
        For me, it voids the speed advantage Godot used to have over Unity. Compilation is super fast, but then I have to click "Allow", "Allow", "Allow", "Allow" before the build plays, sigh ..

        Edit: Okay, at least for builds, I too can avoid the issue by moving my project folder to my primary disc. That's inconvenient, because I have the M1 mac mini with the smallest internal drive (128 gigs, almost full) and now need to keep my spine-enabled Godot projects separate from all the others. But it's better than the alternative, for the time being.

        (Damn, I cannot edit my reply twice? ... just wanted to correct me on my Mac Mini only having 128 Gigabytes of space; it's 256 Gb, of course ..)

        Okay, there's one more issue, unfortunately. Whenever I reexport a spine skeleton, Godot registers the change, tries to reimport the changed data, at 50% asks for my permission to access external volumes (again..) and then crashes.

        This happens consistently and always. I'm not sure if it has to do with the permissions issue, but it sure crashes right after asking for those.

        I'm using the C#-enabled 4.2.1 version of Godot, by the way.