
正在处理 .\100635\100635.json...
Spine Launcher 4.2.01
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
Waiting for download...

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    yianti I'm sorry to hear that you're having problems. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what problem you're referring to. Are you saying that even though you have already downloaded Spine 3.8 and try to run it from the CLI, it may ask you to download the Spine editor? If your situation is that you are only using the latest 3.8 (3.8.99), but you are still being prompted to download when you run Spine via the CLI, that is indeed weird.
    If I understand correctly, could you also tell us what commands you are running?

    我使用的命令一般为:文件导入: Spine -u 3.8.99 -i xxx -o xxx -r xxx,
    有时候用的批量处理: for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%i in (dir /s /b *.skel) do Spine...

      yianti Thanks for elaborating! This is really weird. I will try to see if I can reproduce the problem, but it may take some time as I have also been using the CLI recently and have not encountered a similar problem. If you have discovered anything new about the conditions under which the re-download happened, we would appreciate it if you could let us know.


        yianti It is the correct behavior to have an error in the first way. You are using -r, this parameter is used to import a skeleton. When importing a skeleton from a Spine project, it is not an error if the version of that Spine project is older than the editor version. (The import will fail if the project is saved in a newer version). However, you mentioned you are importing a json or .skel file, so in this case you need to import using the same version of Spine that was used to export the data. This will be the same result if you try to do it on the editor's UI, regardless of whether you run Spine via the CLI:

        However, it is strange that you have to download the spine editor again because of this error. Does the problem always reproduce when you try to import a .json or .skel file saved in a different version? Or does it only reproduce occasionally?

        ERROR: An error occurred starting 3.7.94: C:\Users\Administrator\Spine\updates\3.7.94
        [error] Update file integrity check failed [0x17].
        at s.cVU.(:632)
        at s.cVU.(:488)
        at s.cVU.(:137)
        at s.cVU.(:486)
        at s.QAf.S(:145)
        at s.QAf.
        at s.QAf.S(
        at s.QAf.V(_:29)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
        Downloading: Spine 3.7.94 Professional
        Downloading: Spine 3.7.94 Professional
        Downloading: Spine 3.7.94 Professional

          yianti Thank you for your reply. I am looking into how to reproduce the problem, so please wait a while for our response.

          yianti I have tried running 16 instances of Spine 3.8.99 with Spine Launcher 4.2.00 and running the command to export a Spine project, but I have not been able to reproduce the problem of being asked to re-download the editor. Could you please provide us via email with the entire script that can reproduce the problem?: contact@esotericsoftware.com