I'm using skeleton animations in Unity and I want to put a time gap between loop animations.
The function used in the set animation() is the delay of the animation execution, not the spacing of the loop animation. How can I set the interval of a loop animation at runtime?

    Related Discussions

    sini You may find the Raptor.cs, one of the example scripts that comes with the spine-unity runtime, to be helpful. This script contains code that uses coroutines to play animations of a gun being held and holstered at random intervals. In your case, a fixed interval rather than random may be fine, but I think you could quote this script and make a few modifications to achieve what you want to do.
    The exact path of this script is as follows:
    Spine Examples/Scripts/Getting Started Scripts/Raptor.cs or Packages/com.esotericsoftware.spine.spine-unity-examples/Scripts/Getting Started Scripts/Raptor.cs if you installed via Add package from git URL in Package Manager.

    If I have misunderstood what you want to do, I would appreciate it if you could give us some more details about what approach you have already tried and what it does not accomplish.