• Editor
  • 將圖片的網格轉換成裁剪範圍


Hello, just like the picture, assuming that the picture has been set as a mesh
I want to convert this mesh to a clip mask. Is it possible to do this?

    Related Discussions

    SojaLin Unfortunately, it is not possible to create a mask by referencing the alpha of an image in Spine editor. If what you end up needing is a video, use a clipping mask in an external video editing tool such as Adobe After Effects. If you want to do this with Spine runtimes, some runtimes, such as the spine-unity runtime, provide a way to create masks by reference to sprites. A blog post explaining how to create a sprite mask in spine-unity can be found here:

      Hello, Deer Misaki
      that mean there is no way to do this in the program?
      What a pity
      I want to apply light effects to text in the program
      So I need that mask

      Are there any plans to add this feature in the future?


        that mean there is no way to do this in the program?

        Yes, your understanding is correct.

        Are there any plans to add this feature in the future?

        We would like to add this feature in a future release, but other improvements would take precedence. There have been similar discussions in the past, so please see the following threads for more information:

        By the way, feel free to post in your native language instead of English, as this forum has a translation button that we can use to read posts.