电脑已经安装java,并且写了bat命令方便批处理json,3.9 4.0版本的json都能正常降低至3.8版本,但是4.1版本的json转换版本之后,用3.8.75版本打开提示导入错误,但是用测试版的最新版本能正常打开json。

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    tago I am not sure if I am understanding your question correctly, as the machine translation does not work well, but it is expected behavior for JSON imports to error if the version of the editor you launched does not match the version of its skeleton data. The following blog post may be helpful to you:
    Blog: 导入骨架数据 #疑难解答 - 为何导入的骨架动画不正确?

    If this is not helpful, please elaborate on what you would ultimately like to achieve. Am I correct that you want to roll back the skeleton data exported from Spine 4.1.23 so that it can be opened in Spine 3.8.75?

    • tago replied to this.

      Misaki YES. 4.0版本和3.9版本的json都能通过Skeleton Viewer回滚至3.8版本正常使用。但是只有4.1版本的json通过同样的办法回滚至3.8版本时,用3.8.75版本打开会报错。

        Misaki 不同version的Skeleton Viewer.jar我都尝试过,都会报错,其他版本回滚时都能正常导入

        tago Thanks for your reply! Now I understand what you are trying to achieve.

        To begin with, if you want to roll back your json data from 4.1 to 3.8, you do not need to use Skeleton Viewer. It can be done in the Spine editor.

        First, run Spine 4.1 and import the skeleton data you want to roll back. Open the export window and change the Version option in the JSON format options from 4.1 to 3.8. Then run the export to roll back the skeleton data to a format that can be opened in 3.8.

        • tago replied to this.

          Misaki Thanks. Actually, I choose to use Skeleton Viewer just for convenience. 只要合适地编写bat就能一次性把很多json一起回滚版本。如果可以检查并更新4.1版本的Skeleton Viewer对于版本回滚功能方面的问题,这会更加完美

            tago I think it should be possible to handle the process of importing skeleton data in Spine 4.1 and exporting skeleton data in the 3.8 format with a batch shell script by using the CLI.
            The options available for import are described here: https://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-command-line-interface#%E5%AF%BC%E5%85%A5
            The options available for export are described here: https://zh.esotericsoftware.com/spine-command-line-interface#%E5%AF%BC%E5%87%BA

            Note that going from 4.x to 3.x will lose the curves on your keys. This is because 4.x curves cannot be represented in 3.x.