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在MacBook上调整Spine界面和字体大小,您可以通过修改Spine的设置来实现。首先,您可以尝试增加界面缩放比例(Interface scale),这样可以让整个界面变大,包括工具栏和面板等。其次,您可以调整字体大小(Font size)和选择字体类型(Font),比如选择Unicode字体以支持更多语言和字符,尤其是如果您需要中文、日文或韩文支持的话。这些设置都可以在Spine的设置对话框中找到。


  1. 打开Spine,进入Settings(设置)对话框。
  2. User Interface(用户界面)部分,找到Interface scale(界面缩放)选项,您可以尝试设置为200%或根据需要调整。
  3. 在同一部分中,找到Font(字体)选项,选择Unicode
  4. 选择Font size(字体大小),您可以选择MediumLarge,根据您的阅读习惯调整。


Setting Interface scale to 200% should do it for you. This will default to 100% or 200% when Spine is first run. After that, the setting is kept, so if you run on a lower or higher resolution monitor, the setting may need to be adjusted.

  • Asa replied to this.

    Nate 后面可以增加自适应吗,因为我两块显示屏的分辨率是不一样的

    Yes, we plan to improve this in the future when we support moving Spine views into separate windows, so Spine can better span multiple monitors.

    For now you can start Spine with a shortcut to set the scale, for example for 200 interface scale:

    Windows: Spine --ui-scale 200
    Mac: /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine --ui-scale 200
    Linux: ./Spine.sh --ui-scale 200
    • Asa replied to this.

      Nate 好的,感谢你的帮助~