I have created a small package that I have sent as email. This is a simple folder setup I did using the example spine file available here: https://en.esotericsoftware.com/spine-examples-spineboy
I have packed it as an atlas.txt and exported as skel.bytes(The same as our project). I have noticed that the problem occurs if anything in the project causes a refresh to trigger the assetimporter, for example if there is an editor script that was deleted and unity was launched, or another example, if the spine assets were not first present but when a second user gets latest and the assets are now present in the project, unity triggers the asset post processor that deletes the original material file and creates a new file in the SpineData folder.
I have tracked it down to these few lines in the AssetUtility lines 664 - 674
`Material material = (Material)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(materialPath, typeof(Material));
if (material == null) {
Shader defaultShader = GetDefaultShader();
material = defaultShader != null ? new Material(defaultShader) : null;
if (material) {
ApplyPMAOrStraightAlphaSettings(material, SpineEditorUtilities.Preferences.textureSettingsReference);
if (texture != null)
material.mainTexture = texture;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(material, materialPath);
Line 668 returns null as the material is now not present in the path formatted but instead moved to a different location, hence a new material is generated(I think this is what is happening).
I also see this same issue when I import the package I have created for this post, as you can see when the import window comes in there is a material in the material folder

but after the import is done, the folder is empty.

This is an empty project that has spine installed. No custom scripts or any other file.