• Bugs
  • Mesh bug? Scaling in Unity runtime

I am trying out the mesh deformation for the first time.

Here are videos of the animation in Spine and the animation in Unity
https://www.dropbox.com/sc/riy10887rcww ... N0ynbuba#/

My test animation just moves one point on the mesh of this characters skirt back and forth during a walk cycle. The same animation in the Unity runtime deforms that point correctly, but also scales the entire piece.

Here are some notes:

  • No other keyframes are scaling animation during the walk cycle, they all have scale keyframes of 1.0 at the start and end of the animation
  • The skirt bone (and all its parents) is set to not inherit scale from parent, although no scaling is happening on any other parts for the walk cycle


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Nevermind ... I was stuck on an old version of the editor. I updated to latest and this works now. Sorry about that. I have posted my updated to the other thread as well.

Hey, that's better than me having to figure out what is wrong! 😃