• Editor
  • image mask or alpha mask feature

Hello! I’d like to ask if there are any plans to add an 'image mask' or 'alpha mask' feature to Spine 2D, similar to what’s available in Live2D. It would also be great if there were customization options, like in After Effects, allowing for a soft mask. This would make the workflow more convenient and enable greater creative possibilities. I strongly hope this feature could be added as it would be highly useful for users who aren’t concerned with performance trade-offs.

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Currently, Spine does not support an 'image mask' or 'alpha mask' feature similar to what is available in Live2D or After Effects. The existing masking capabilities in Spine are limited to polygonal clipping, which can be quite performance-intensive, especially at runtime. While there have been numerous requests for more advanced masking features, such as feathered or soft masks, these have not yet been implemented due to the complexity and potential conflicts with game engine shaders. The development team has acknowledged the usefulness of such features and expressed interest in adding them in the future, but they are currently focused on other priorities.