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I've been using Spine Pro solo for my indie game project for several months. Now I'm looking to contract an animator to do some animations for me and I'd like to pick up an additional pro license for them to use. How does the licensing work for that? I would like to purchase an additional license that they can use for the duration of the project, and then have it revert back to me so that I can give it out to another animator in the future. Does the Spine editor do online authentication to allow this? How should I go about the process of revoking a seat I've paid for? I don't have a huge amount of animations to be done right now, and I would hate to think that I might have to buy yet a third license for another animator if this one is not available when I need more work done etc.


Hi Colin, saw your email earlier and will answer it there in a few.

8 months later

Hi, what is the result of this discussion?

My team also want to do the same thing. We bought 1 pro license that we want to use to test candidates. We expect to be able to revoke the license once the test is done so the team can use it.

Please let me know how to do so. Thanks.

The PRO and ESS Spine licenses state the license is non-transferrable

it is for a specific, named user and cannot be shared. That said, if you would like us to disable your activation code and issue a new one, please shoot us an email and we'll handle it on a case by case basis.

Spine pro. Home network. Two systems, desktop and laptop computers, can I install the program here and there?

Yep, you can install Spine on two computers as long as you are the only one using the installations, or each person using the installations has their own license. If you need to reinstall that is fine too. You can log out of an installation in the settings dialog.

2 months later

i have same needs as colinday. An indie game project with a temporary animator. i would like to know how to revert the license from the animator back to me after the project done. So i can lend the license to the next animator for next project. I don't mind if i can't use spine when i lend it to my animator. I just want to use spine for every project i have. i'm afraid going to be disappointed after bought this license 🙁

17 days later

This was an old post of mine ... but for the benefit of others finding this thread now what I ended up doing was asking my animator to buy his own copy of Spine which he did. This is a reasonable thing to do for a few reasons:

1) Spine is very reasonably priced
2) Your animator will now have this program in their toolbox and can easily take on future Spine animation jobs/contracts from others (which mine in fact did)
3) Your animator is getting back money/equity/love/fame/credit, it's not unreasonable to ask them to help contribute to the startup costs
4) This helps Esoteric Software to continue to build and support this incredible software