The game will crash if you run the game that has a scene with a SpineSprite with a skeleton data and Debug>Visible Collision Shapes is enabled

Step by step recreation

  1. Create a spine project with a single bone and an image
  2. Export the project and load it in a Godot project with Spine GDExtension
  3. Load the skeleton into a scene
  4. Enable Debug>Visible Collision Shapes in the top left of Godot editor
  5. Run the game, and the game will crash

Example Project :

  • Spine :
  • Godot :

Spine version 4.2.39
Godot version 4.3
Using spine-godot GDExtension for Godot 4.3

    Related Discussions

    I've managed to get the crash log for this bug. I hope this helps.

    ERROR: Can't retrieve singleton 'EditorInterface' outside of editor.
       at: (core/config/engine.cpp:298)
    ERROR: Parameter "singleton_obj" is null.
       at: godot::EditorInterface::get_singleton (godot-cpp\gen\src\classes\editor_interface.cpp:68)
    CrashHandlerException: Program crashed with signal 11
    Engine version: Godot Engine v4.3.stable.official (77dcf97d82cbfe4e4615475fa52ca03da645dbd8)
    Dumping the backtrace. Please include this when reporting the bug to the project developer.
    [1] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [2] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [3] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [4] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [5] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [6] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [7] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [8] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [9] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [10] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [11] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [12] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [13] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [14] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [15] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [16] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [17] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [18] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [19] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    [20] error(-1): no debug info in PE/COFF executable
    7 days later

    ferdyslab Oh, I sincerely appreciate your contribution! Mario, the maintainer of spine-godot, is currently on medical leave and will not be able to return until sometime next week, so it may take some time to confirm. He will check and merge when he gets back, so please wait until then.

    4 days later

    @ferdyslab thank you for your PR! I've merged it. New builds should be available later today.