Hello! Is it possible to make the root bone spawn at a specific place when using the "import PSD"?
Root issue
When using the "Import PSD" feature in Spine, you can set the origin for the root bone by using guides in your PSD file. Specifically, the first X and Y guides in the PSD are used to define the world origin in Spine. This feature is available from Spine 4.2.10-beta onwards. If guides are not present, the origin defaults to the center of the canvas. Additionally, there is consideration for an [origin]
tag that can be used to set the world origin using the center of a layer with [origin]
in its name, which might be implemented in future updates.
Spinebot what are these guides?
Explaining a bit my issue, I have a character who has a lot of skins, and each time I add a new one (using the "Import PSD" into an existing skeleton) I have to drag all the images up because they spawn below the root...
thanks for the answer!!
They are Photoshop guides. Show the Photoshop ruler and then drag a guide out for X and one for Y. See: