Hello, there! Since it's my first post here, an introductory paragraph first. If you wanna cut to the chase, just skip it!
I'm a veteran in bone based 2D animation, coming from Anime Studio, and I've been lurking on the forums for maybe 3 weeks now. Just purchased it the other day, and gotta say: I'm LOVING Spine so far! The effort you guys put in optimizing the workflow and making the overall experience more pleasing is nothing short of remarkable. Photoshop "Generate Assets" + automatic asset update = INFINITE HAPPINESS!
Anyway, I've been using the editor for a couple days and stumbled upon a few glitches while using the new IK controllers that I found were worth reporting, as I couldn't find other topics talking about it.
Resize bone command doesn't work when the bones are under the influence of an IK constraint. The only way to edit that is by bringing the IK contraint influence to 0 and then making the adjustments, and finally turning it on again. Not something that is keeping me from working, but when you need to finetune the animation this kinda slows the workflow.
Sometimes when the IK target position of a bone is very close to the position it already is without influence of IK, said bone will complete a 360 turn when you pull the Mix bar of the IK constraint between 0 and 100 influence. Checking or unchecking "Positive" in the Bend checkbox doesn't help (I wonder if it has to do with the parent bone's angle crossing the threshold that decides for a positive or negative spin). This happens in a 2 IKs chain very similar to the setup you guys show in that dinossaur mount demonstration video.
When the Auto Key mode is on and you drag the IK Mix bar around, the editor apparently considers each and every step of your movement across the bar as a keyed command (the key icon in front of the constraint on the hierarchy view blink like crazy), and very soon the editor runs out of Undo slots!
Hope that helps with refining this awesome feature!