Ok Im going to give this a good 4 hours tonight and get back to you with my progress. I'd be happy to share my multi-item adder if I get it working π
Ok I've made some good progress. I successfully have it adding and item of the correct sprite to the correct spot. Its working via the inspector so this should help people if they want it. I am going to tweak it to work via code too.
You guys have a really awesome [SpineSlot] serializable thingy. Can I do this for sprites too and get a list of all my sprite objects?
Sometimes it is, sometimes its not. For example, here is one of my characters with the weapons and armor working fine, but the helmet is the wrong direction. The sprite is rendered upright, but its being rendered at 90*.
I've pasted my code below but I have a 2 issues:
1. My sprite packer is always empty (even if I set packing tags and click pack). I have Unity 5 pro.
- The sprite.packed value is false.
Is there a way I can set the rotation of the sprite in the below code? Where is this rotation data actually parsed and used and how can I catch issues like that in my code.
Here is my code for multi-slot attachment
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Spine;
public class ItemAttacher : MonoBehaviour {
public bool attachOnStart = true;
public bool keepLoaderInMemory = true;
public SlotAttachment[] slotAttachments;
public class SlotAttachment
public string slot;
public Sprite sprite;
private ItemAttachmentLoader loader;
private RegionAttachment attachment;
void Start () {
if (attachOnStart)
public void Attach () {
var skeletonRenderer = GetComponent<SkeletonRenderer>();
foreach(SlotAttachment slotAttachment in slotAttachments)
//create loader instance, tell it what sprite and shader to use
loader = new ItemAttachmentLoader(slotAttachment.sprite, Shader.Find("Sprites/Default"));
attachment = loader.NewRegionAttachment(null, slotAttachment.sprite.name, "");
skeletonRenderer.skeleton.FindSlot(slotAttachment.slot).Attachment = attachment;
if (!keepLoaderInMemory)
loader = null;
public class ItemAttachmentLoader : AttachmentLoader {
//TODO: Memory cleanup functions
//IMPORTANT: Make sure you clear this when you don't need it anymore. Goodluck.
public static Dictionary<int, AtlasRegion> atlasTable = new Dictionary<int, AtlasRegion>();
//Shouldn't need to clear this, should just prevent redoing premultiply alpha pass on packed atlases
public static List<int> premultipliedAtlasIds = new List<int>();
Sprite sprite;
Shader shader;
public ItemAttachmentLoader (Sprite sprite, Shader shader) {
if (sprite.packed && sprite.packingMode == SpritePackingMode.Tight) {
Debug.LogError("Tight Packer Policy not supported yet!");
this.sprite = sprite;
this.shader = shader;
Texture2D tex = sprite.texture;
//premultiply texture if it hasn't been yet
int instanceId = tex.GetInstanceID();
if (!premultipliedAtlasIds.Contains(instanceId)) {
try {
var colors = tex.GetPixels();
Color c;
float a;
for (int i = 0; i < colors.Length; i++) {
c = colors[i];
a = c.a;
c.r *= a;
c.g *= a;
c.b *= a;
colors[i] = c;
} catch {
//texture is not readable! Can't pre-multiply it, you're on your own.
Debug.Log("Texture was not readable");
public RegionAttachment NewRegionAttachment (Skin skin, string name, string path)
RegionAttachment attachment = new RegionAttachment(name);
Texture2D tex = sprite.texture;
int instanceId = tex.GetInstanceID();
AtlasRegion atlasRegion;
//check cache first
if (atlasTable.ContainsKey(instanceId)) {
atlasRegion = atlasTable[instanceId];
} else {
//Setup new material
Material mat = new Material(shader);
if (sprite.packed)
mat.name = "Unity Packed Sprite Material";
mat.name = sprite.name + " Sprite Material";
mat.mainTexture = tex;
//create faux-region to play nice with SkeletonRenderer
atlasRegion = new AtlasRegion();
AtlasPage page = new AtlasPage();
page.rendererObject = mat;
atlasRegion.page = page;
//cache it
atlasTable[instanceId] = atlasRegion;
Rect texRect = sprite.textureRect;
//normalize rect to UV space of packed atlas
texRect.x = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tex.width, texRect.x);
texRect.y = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tex.height, texRect.y);
texRect.width = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tex.width, texRect.width);
texRect.height = Mathf.InverseLerp(0, tex.height, texRect.height);
Bounds bounds = sprite.bounds;
Vector3 size = bounds.size;
//TODO: make sure this rotation thing actually works
bool rotated = false;
Debug.Log("Sprite is" + sprite.packed);
if (sprite.packed)
rotated = sprite.packingRotation == SpritePackingRotation.Any;
//do some math and assign UVs and sizes
attachment.SetUVs(texRect.xMin, texRect.yMax, texRect.xMax, texRect.yMin, rotated);
attachment.RendererObject = atlasRegion;
attachment.ScaleX = 1;
attachment.ScaleY = 1;
attachment.RegionOffsetX = sprite.rect.width * (0.5f - Mathf.InverseLerp(bounds.min.x, bounds.max.x, 0)) / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
attachment.RegionOffsetY = sprite.rect.height * (0.5f - Mathf.InverseLerp(bounds.min.y, bounds.max.y, 0)) / sprite.pixelsPerUnit;
attachment.Width = size.x;
attachment.Height = size.y;
attachment.RegionWidth = size.x;
attachment.RegionHeight = size.y;
attachment.RegionOriginalWidth = size.x;
attachment.RegionOriginalHeight = size.y;
return attachment;
public MeshAttachment NewMeshAttachment (Skin skin, string name, string path) {
//TODO: Unity 5 only
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public SkinnedMeshAttachment NewSkinnedMeshAttachment (Skin skin, string name, string path) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public BoundingBoxAttachment NewBoundingBoxAttachment (Skin skin, string name) {
throw new System.NotImplementedException();