• Editor
  • Rollback to older version still possible?

I am using an older version of the editor due to using an older 3rd party runtime, but it has recently been updated to support the newer features (IK, meshes etc).

I would like to update the editor to try it out, but I am just checking that it will still be possible to rollback from version 2.x.x to my current version afterwards?

Is it still as simple as changing the version in versions.txt as per this post: http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2677&p=13072&hilit=older+version#p13072
I tried this and it worked to change between version I had in the list within the Spine settings menu, but I thought I would check in case things had changed after v2.x.x.


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Yes, you can go back as far as version 1.8.00. No need to change version.txt, you can specify the version in the Settings dialog.

Hmmm, is there no way to go further back after updating?

The version I am using at the moment is 1.6.42 - yeah yeah stop laughing at the back! 🙂

I believe it's still possible but only if you have the installation file for the old launcher handy and then you'll have to input which version you want to use. I haven't tried this myself though, so I might be talking out my behind 😉

If you copy the old Spine, then you can use it with 1.6.42. If you install over the top of the old Spine, you won't be able to go back. The old installer is no longer available.

OK this sounds promising!

Nate, what do you mean by "copy the old Spine, then you can use it with 1.6.42"?
Do you mean copy as in backup the installation directory?

Here are the files I have that may be relevant:

  • C:<Users>\Spine\updates - in here I have every update from 1.4.35 to 1.6.42
  • SpineSetup.exe which is 13,550kb and is dated 05 August 2013 (I think this is the exe from the email link when purchasing)

Would those help at all?

Backing up your <user>/Spine directory is a good idea. If you lose the updates there, you can't get them back. You can make a copy of the old Spine installation folder, or if you still have the old setup EXE file then you should be ok since you can just reinstall the old Spine launcher.

So I should in theory be able to update to latest version, and then to go back, uninstall, and reinstall using the original Spine installer exe?

Is it possible to have 2 install directories = one for the old version and one for the latest version, running from 2 different directories?

Awesome, thanks for the quick replies Nate. 🙂