Hi, is there any solution after two years? I have same issue... for remind "cmd key mapped on Wacom plays the timeline backwards"
I have OSX 10.11.6, Cintiq24HD, Spine ver. 3.5.51. Thanks in advance
modifier keys (cmd, option, …) and shortcuts with modifiers (cmd+z, …)
-plays timeline backward “a” (cmd+q works, but this shortcut has nothing to do with Spine)
modifier clicks and other shortcuts (y, u, j)
-works fine
Wacom Cintiq 24hd is realy huge thing, so keyboard is nearly on the other side of room and its uncomfortable to reach it. Is there any way how to use profesional software like Spine, with profesional hardware like Wacom? (yeah i can change shortcuts, but it isnt realy solution)