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The Last Pals
Hey guys,
Me with my friend have made game for 7-day hackathon. You can play it right here.
Most of animations are done with Spine, and it's totally amazing. For the last year, I did almost all UI controls using Spine, and actually I don't see any other way to make such things using something else on LibGDX (overlap2d don't count). It's fast and flexible. So right as I said it on a first day, when I made my first crooked project on it, thanks you guys for that outstanding tool! It's the major thing that makes me feel I develop something serious, not just cheap crap
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Sorry for such a big screenshots, but seems there is no way to make them smaller
Very neat! At first I thought it was too simple. The tutorial is mandatory! After that, playing on Veteran or Hard Day was interesting. It is still pretty simple, maybe it can be expanded a bit? I want more decisions to make during battles!
Did you use scene2d at all? I saw a scroll pane, but it didn't have flick scrolling so I'm thinking you might have rolled your own.
Thanks for sharing!
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We were in a hurry, so all render works on top of scene2d. And nope, this is standard scroll pane, but I find flick behavior very strange too. Actually, it works as always (when content really long) but for that particular case (when scroll area pretty small) it doesn't seem to be perform flicking. It's not a big problem anyway, at least because you the only one who can recognize it
I hope, it will be very long road ahead for that project. The next step is network stack, will see if it will be interesting to fight against someone who is able to think (AI is almost dead for now. And one thing I'm eager to try - generate animations for skeletons on a fly (as I could remember, it's possible). It would be great to get more generic animations for such a complex skeletons (unit on battlefield is single skeleton).
BTW, let me ask you one question. Could be on some day possible to set invisible particular bone hierarchy? For example, if I want to hide skeleton's left hand, I just make "left shoulder" bone invisible and after that whole bone's hierarchy become invisible too.
It is neat to fight a battle solely by choosing the fighters. Currently though I think always choosing the fastest fighter lets you win. I'm not sure how that would play out against a human.
I don't think random unit types would be good. You could do more unit types. Maybe a unit that attacks every other turn but does lots of damage.
What if you could give a command to each unit between rounds? Like defend that unit, use fire attack, or ice attack, etc. So you'd buy a new unit and for each unit that survived you could pick some ability, then the round happens.
In Spine you can right click a visibility dot to show/hide it and all below it.
Ah yeah, fast guys may lead to fast win, but they have less HP than others and should be narrow applicable, I think we needed cut their stats more. However, units with stealth get rid of them esealy.
The game definitely starving for more control over battle, but I don't want player get involved to battle actions, it may seriously slow down and complecate game flow (don't forget, there will be PvP). Hope various spells and auras will create field for new interesting tactics. So many ways to go, so many chances to break it all...
I know about thas useful feature in editor, but I'm talking about hiding bone hierarchy in runtime.
One more question, just imaging next animation. Hero holds the sword, then hero dies and throwing it in the air, sword should spinning for some time while flying. The problem is sword bone bound to hero's hand bone, and the hero moving while he falling, so get sword move independently is pretty hard. If there would be the way to detach sword bone, it's all become a lot easier. Actually now for such cases I use extra sword bone/slot, that is invisible by default and is a child of root. But that's rather a dirty solution, especially when here are a lot of stuff become independent in some particular animations.
You can edit/hack the renderer to just not render certain bones.
Use a different bone for the sword to fly that isn't parented to the hand. Just hide the hand sword and show this other sword in exactly the same place. You only need one extra bone for this, to cover all animations that need similar treatment.