Yes, I've created my own Spine wrapper object to call them.
Is there anything I should be taking note of?
After some digging, it looks like my program is also using createNewAttachment in the event that getAttachment fails to find a pre-used attachment.
For some reason, most of my getAttachment calls fail even when calling the same character over and over (ie. I create, destroy, and re-create the character).
In addition, the data structure caching the attachment (the _Entry struct) is a linked list. For large numbers of attachments, this will considerably impact the search/fetch speeds. Is there a reason for using a linked list? Or can this be improved upon?
Looks like it was a mistake on my side. Sorry for raising a false alarm.
PS. My thoughts on the linked list still stands though. Is there a particular reason for adopting a linked list? Would another data structure be more effective? Could move this to another thread if appropriate