ZacCom I need help or need to know if someone knows how to port Spine animations states in PlayMaker for Unity 3d.
Nate You can use spine-csharp, just as spine-unity does. You can likely also use some or all rendering from spine-unity. Does PlayMaker allow you to use arbitrary GameObjects? If so you should be able to use Spine with PlayMaker without extra work.
pxlweaver You can use Playmaker's "Set Property" and "Get Property" actions to control the Skeleton Component on a GameObject.
ZacCom Do you create events or variables to be able to access Skeleton Component. Get and Set only show length and name.
pxlweaver For example: Load the spineboy example scene. Add a Playmaker FSM to the spineboy Skeleton gameobject in the scene's hierarchy. Add a Set Property action to that FSM. Drag the Skeleton Component into the Target Object section of the Set Property action. Open the Property dropdown menu that appears. You should have several options (animationName, skinName, timeScale etc.). Choose animationName. Enter in jump into the Animation Name field that appears underneath the dropdown. Play scene. Spineboy should jump. Attached is a screenshot.
Nate Thanks pxlweaver! I'm not familiar with Play Maker so I couldn't have given such a nice answer. :happy:
ZacCom Thank you so much. I been trying to figure out this set and get and now I actually understand. Thank you again.
ZacCom One more question on the Playmaker did you right your own script on flipping the image or use a scale trick. I have a FlipX for my 2DTK animations but nothing for spine in reference.