• Editor
  • WEIRD problem with keyframes!!!!

I am animating a character in Spine and have been happily using it for over a year.
My "Body" bone is rotating nicely for thirty frames, if I try to keyframe anything after these thirty frames, Spine will not allow it, it just snaps back to the last frame it was on. All other properties animate absolutely fine, expect for this rotation!

What's weird is, if I delete ALL rotation keyframes, the animation still plays! With no keyframes!
The KEY symbol next to the rotation box is orange and I can't seem to find out what that means.

Have I missed a really basic option toggle here or something?
It's happening with the legs of the character now.

It's spreading, oh my word, it's spreading.

Any help would be appreciated, I've been trying to sort it out for the past 2 hours and it's completely halted my progress today.
Thanks so much.

(have tried restarting numerous times)

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5 years later

I am experiencing this in Spine version 3.8.99
After importing animation from other skeleton, I got this weird orange "key" that is not shown in the Dopesheet but in Tree panel (and also affects the animation, which, in this case, is deactivating the image in the EyelidDB slot).

I tried to key it (it turn to red) then remove the key but it didn't help.

I remove the slot and this happens

If you ever see an orange key when auto key is on, it means Spine has a bug. We are very close to releasing 4.0, so maybe you can check if it happens there? We've done a loooot of work in that area since 3.8.99.

Nate wrote

If you ever see an orange key when auto key is on, it means Spine has a bug. We are very close to releasing 4.0, so maybe you can check if it happens there? We've done a loooot of work in that area since 3.8.99.

I download the latest beta and this still happen.
And when I try to duplicate slot then delete the bug one, Spine crash when I change to animation mode.

It seems your animation character_harrylyme_anim has an attachment timeline for slot eyelidDB on bone elidDB, but that slot cannot be found. Any idea when this might have happened? It could have been a bug in 3.8.99 or earlier.

If you can post or email your .spine file we'd be happy to fix the crash and send you a fixed project file! contact@esotericsoftware.com

Nate wrote

It seems your animation character_harrylyme_anim has an attachment timeline for slot eyelidDB on bone elidDB, but that slot cannot be found. Any idea when this might have happened? It could have been a bug in 3.8.99 or earlier.

If you can post or email your .spine file we'd be happy to fix the crash and send you a fixed project file! contact@esotericsoftware.com

Hello, I just emailed the files. This (may) happened after I import animation from another skeleton (another character). The skeleton (which I imported animation from) has same slotname, and has key in that slot, but the imported target skeleton missing key (because it had different attachment, which maybe shown in the similar dialog to image below)

I think I got why this happen.
I have 2 eyelids which is kinda the same, but the bug only happen on the right one while the left one is having a normal key after importing to target skeleton.
On original skeleton, the slot of the left eyelid is placed inside the left eyelid bone, while the slot of right eyelid is placed in the parent bone of right eyelid bone (I didn't notice it because is has mesh, and is still controlable without placing inside the bone)

After I edit the original skeleton (putting the slot inside the bone) and reimport the animation to the target skeleton, the bug is gone.

It still happen sometimes then I realize the parent bones somehow having keyframes (even though I edited the original skeleton, those attachment keyframes still appear in the parent bones. Those keys supposed to be in the bone that has the slot rather than the parent bones). Removing it solve the problem.

2 months later

I meet the same bug with this orange key icon while auto key is still on. in Spine 3.8.99 version. But it dont showing any crash messenger or any sign of crash, the orange key just happen to be there during my work flow.
No matter how i delete the key and recreated it, it alway be the same orange and don't change it property( transform, hide, unhide image), unless I delete the whole object and rework again.

@Huy137 We can discuss your problem over here: V3.8.99 Bug: Orange Key while Auto key mode

@ raaan127 Sorry for taking so long to respond! We got your project file, thank you. We've updated 4.0.83-beta so it detects the problem and deletes the timelines that have the wrong bone. However, I still don't understand exactly how to cause the problem. Maybe you can provide the project you imported, and give step-by-step instructions so we can see the problem firsthand?

Nate wrote

@[deleted] We can discuss your problem over here: V3.8.99 Bug: Orange Key while Auto key mode

@ raaan127 Sorry for taking so long to respond! We got your project file, thank you. We've updated 4.0.83-beta so it detects the problem and deletes the timelines that have the wrong bone. However, I still don't understand exactly how to cause the problem. Maybe you can provide the project you imported, and give step-by-step instructions so we can see the problem firsthand?

Hi, I just download the new version ( and still able to re-create the error.
You can re-create this issue by following these step:

  • Create a [bone] and a slot with image
  • Create new animation - [animation2], add a slot/attachment key (hide image / show image)
  • Save project
  • Delete the animation created above [animation2]
  • Move slot from [bone] to its parent bone
  • Now re-import animation which has been deleted before which is [animation2] and the orange key will happens.

It has no key on parent bone but orange key on slot and it has keys are on the original [bone].

Delete the slot will crash Spine and Error dialog will appear.
Delete those keys (on original [bone]) and the project is normal.

Thank you for the step-by-step instructions! They were perfect! See, everyone else? That is how you report a bug! :sogood:

We've fixed the problem in 4.0.02, which should be available in a few minutes. Thanks for your help! This was likely a problem for a long time, it's great to have it fixed.

Nate wrote

Thank you for the step-by-step instructions! They were perfect! See, everyone else? That is how you report a bug! :sogood:

We've fixed the problem in 4.0.02, which should be available in a few minutes. Thanks for your help! This was likely a problem for a long time, it's great to have it fixed.

Actually my project didn't involve any import animation, it only use alot of link mesh and copy sloth around and this bug happen, I dont know how exactly to reproduct it though.
Fortunately we already have the solution for this bug in newer version anyway.