• Runtimes
  • [spine-c] 3.5 - animation jerking

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I'm not sure what your use case is like, but it can't make sense to set a new animation every frame. Maybe it's valid to not set the animation if its already playing? If it's looping, then setting the same animation on complete is the same as just letting it play another loop. Maybe you could ignore the complete event for animations that have zero duration? if (!entry->animation->duration) return; You'll still want to consider what happens for a very short animation, ie every time it completes a loop are you really going to set a new animation?

I do not set it every frame, only on complete event. But, empty animation has complete event every frame. Anyway, I'll think about your hints.

Maybe it's possible do not queue same events? Just check if last event is the same then not not stack it. Nate?

I think it makes sense to fire all the events that occur. You could de-duplicate in your application code.