• Bugs
  • Spine Crash during paste

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Description Error: During copy/paste "Set slot color" between 2 skeletons and timelines, spine crashes.


  1. Create project with 2 skeletons and animation for each of it
  2. On the timeline set some different colour settings (e.g. in the 1st frame FFFFFFFF, on the 10th FFFFFF60 etc, tested only changed transparency)
  3. On the second sceleton, use same texture
  4. Using animation mode, copy transparency settings in the "Set slot color" from skeleton A and paste it into the same place in the time line in skeleton B

After several attempts, Spine crashes.

What's "Set slot color"?

Though just immediately, I think the ability to copy and paste things from one skeleton to another is currently disabled because it requires a bunch of extra object management that isn't implemented yet.
This may be an unhandled case where it's not blocked and then fails. Thanks for reporting!

To be able to do this right now, you can copy that string "FFFFFF60" from one skeleton and paste it in the slot color of the other skeleton. Doing that should be harmless, but unfortunately tedious if you have to do it for many colors.

Oh probably there was a little misunderstanding. I didnt mean that copy color key frame causes crash. I meant that u click on the key frame to hold position, then open slot color managment (Set slot color) and from there copy color code (FFFFFFFF). After this, go to the another skeleton (you dont have click key frame again because it is saved from lastest skeleton, that is what I meant as "to hold position"), open slot color menu and then paste color code.

When I did it with several key frames, Spine crashed.