• Editor
  • Multiply Blending not exporting as it should

I applied the multiply blending mode to an asset in my animation however when exporting and implementing in Unity the asset shows as if no blending mode was applied! help please!

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It's actually exported. But the Spine-Unity runtime doesn't support automatically applying multiply blend mode via slot properties.
Like most of the other runtimes, Spine-Unity applies the Additive mode "for free" by exploiting a property of Premultiply alpha blending, and pushing the needed data to vertex colors.

The same can't be done for Multiply.
So it needs to be done by creating a separate material for your multiply parts, then using code like this:

using UnityEngine;

namespace Spine.Unity.Examples {
   public class ApplyMultiplyMaterial : MonoBehaviour {
  public Material multiplyVersionOfMaterial;

  void Start () {
     if (multiplyVersionOfMaterial == null) return;

     var skeletonRenderer = GetComponent<SkeletonRenderer>();
     if (skeletonRenderer == null) return;

     var slotMaterials = skeletonRenderer.CustomSlotMaterials;
     foreach (var s in skeletonRenderer.Skeleton.Slots)
        if (s.Data.BlendMode == BlendMode.multiply)
           slotMaterials[s] = multiplyVersionOfMaterial; // add the multiply Slot s into the CustomSlotMaterials dictionary.

You can use this shader for your Material if you are using the default premultiply alpha settings: https://gist.github.com/pharan/d24ed2109018c6139d1b883bbf793c66

If you are using straight alpha, you can use any straight alpha multiply shader. Like the Particle/Multiply.

If you really just needed to apply the multiply blend mode to the whole thing instead of per slot, you can just replace the shader on your skeleton's main materials. No extra script needed.

2 months later

Thanks so much Pharan, I know nothing about this but I'll let the dev take a look!

Pharan wrote

The same can't be done for Multiply.
So it needs to be done by creating a separate material for your multiply parts, then using code like this:

Is this done in Spine? if so how do I hand pick the slots to create a new atlas?

23 days later
Pharan wrote

This is all Unity.

Dear Pharan, I checked with my dev this is their reply

"RE: We can't do that since all parts are in one image. 1 image = 1 material, 2 images = 2 materials. You'll have to put the parts that should have blend mode in one image and we can create a separate material for it"

How can they or I make two PNG atlases or how would they pick one portion of the PNG Atlas to apply the blend mode? sorry to keep asking about this, I guess we need a more thorough explanation.