• Editor
  • Turn off outline from selected sprites?

Hi there

I wonder if it is possible to turn of the blue outline off a selected image. It feels kind a hard to place images correctly when you use quiet small sprites and that (comparatively) fat outline is so dominant.

At least I didn't find any option to turn it of.

If you use alpha trasparent stuff (maybe some glowing element or a cloud or something) this issue might also cause problems.

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currently it's not possible but I'm sure we can place it as an option to have it enabled or not.

I agree. The outlines are really helpful for selection, but they're a nuisance when you're aligning things in setup mode because they occlude the actual edges of images.

@Nate/Shiu, my vote on the solution: hide the outline when the mouse button is held down during transformation. AND have an easy-to-reach toggle somewhere (useful for when we get keyboard nudge, or when the user wants to type exact transform values for alignment).

yep, I just tinkered a bit with it, it needs an option to be easy to turn on/off for sure. I like the idea of hiding them during a transform

Great to hear it will be added.

And it's always amazing how fast one gets feedback here.
Superb support! Thanks! :yes:

I think the thinner outlines are still obtrusive for alignment purposes. They're kinda nice otherwise though.
Love how the bone representations don't scale up exactly with the zoom level now. Awesome stuff.