is there a way other than marquee dragging the keys in the timeline to select ALL keys or to simply delete a keyframe?
this is what im doing currently... sorry if this was already answered, couldnt find the response.
This is inconvenient for me as im in a 13 in cintiq and space is limited. so i have to expand and manually select, then drag the panel back down.

Also, and very off topic, the tool panels (maybe the wrong term) circled in green. are they dockable or can i get rid of them somehow? limited space issue too.
Thanks in advanced!

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In animate mode:

  1. select pose tool
  2. click on an empty space
    everything will be unselected, therefore all keys will be visible
  3. click on the top white keyframe
  4. delete it
    and you're done!

I made a small gif, where I do the same thing with one bone selected and then unselecting the bone.
Hope it is what you needed (:

Erikari, using the Pose tool is a bit of a strange way to deselect! You can press spacebar, escape, or double click to deselect. I tend to use double click since my hand is already on the mouse.

leto, the dopesheet uses your viewport selection to decide what to show. Read more here. If the dopesheet is unlocked, deselect in the viewport (spacebar, escape, or double click), then select white keys in the top row of the dopesheet to select all keys at a specific frame. You can box select (drag in empty space or drag while holding ctrl) or hold ctrl (cmd on Mac) and click to select multiple white keys. To delete, press delete on the keyboard or click the Delete (or Cut) button. If you only want keys of a particular type, use the dopesheet filter button to hide keys you don't care about, then use the white keys in the first row to select all remaining keys.

As for the main toolbar in the viewport, you can click the lock in the bottom left to unlock it, then move it left or right. However, if space is limited try going to the Spine settings (F12) and change toolbar position to the left or right.

I ended up learning something new myself..!
I use a pen tablet so whenever I try to double click I end up moving something I didn't want to move, but the spacebar seems like a nice trick, I'll keep it in mind, thanks!

Erikari wrote

I ended up learning something new myself..!
I use a pen tablet so whenever I try to double click I end up moving something I didn't want to move, but the spacebar seems like a nice trick, I'll keep it in mind, thanks!

I constantly use the spacebar lol. I printed out the cheatsheet and put it up on the wall next to my monitor.. Learned a bunch of shortcuts speeding up the entire workflow ๐Ÿ˜‰ Maybe you should take a look at those ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

One I actually just learned now by looking in the actual shortcuts file. I was wondering if you could toggle ghosting on and off... and you totally can.. was about to make a post about that in the near future to request it.. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

There are even more hotkeys that aren't mapped by default. You can see them all in your hotkeys.txt file, found by clicking the button on the settings dialog.

Pan Move and Zoom Move are hotkeys where if you are holding the hotkey down and move the mouse, you get pan or zoom. This can be useful when using a pen. Pan Drag and Zoom Drag (J and U by default) are similar but require the left mouse button to be held.

Last Tool swaps to your last used tool (right click also does this). This makes it more convenient to switch between two tools.

Hide Selection can be very useful but isn't mapped by default because hitting it on accident would be extremely confusing. When something is selected, it hides the selection outline, mesh lines, the tool icon, bones

everything. This lets you see the skeleton clearly while making adjustments. Deselect so you can see things again to make a new selection.

There is also a Double click option on the setting dialog where you can turn off double clicking. Some users were annoyed by accidental double clicks when using a pen.

Nate wrote

There are even more hotkeys that aren't mapped by default. You can see them all in your hotkeys.txt file, found by clicking the button on the settings dialog.

Pan Move and Zoom Move are hotkeys where if you are holding the hotkey down and move the mouse, you get pan or zoom. This can be useful when using a pen. Pan Drag and Zoom Drag (J and U by default) are similar but require the left mouse button to be held.

Last Tool swaps to your last used tool (right click also does this). This makes it more convenient to switch between two tools.

Hide Selection can be very useful but isn't mapped by default because hitting it on accident would be extremely confusing. When something is selected, it hides the selection outline, mesh lines, the tool icon, bones

everything. This lets you see the skeleton clearly while making adjustments. Deselect so you can see things again to make a new selection.

There is also a Double click option on the setting dialog where you can turn off double clicking. Some users were annoyed by accidental double clicks when using a pen.

Yep, exactly how I found the ghosting setting. Nate, you reply too fast!
The last tool key, I use the hotkeys for the tools anyway so wouldn't make too much difference for me ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
on the hotkey topic: Is there a hotkey to show/hide bones in the animate mode? ๐Ÿ™‚

Sure: Show Bones: ctrl + B

Is there a hotkey to switch skin??
I'd need that one so badly.

By the way I keep the cheatsheet usually open on my secondary monitor, I just never payed attention to that combination since I always used the other workaround.

We have Next Animation: Y and Previous Animation: T, but not for skins. It's a good idea so 3.6.24-beta has Next Skin: PERIOD and Previous Skin: COMMA (corresponds to < and > keys, at least on QWERTY keyboards). Like the animation keys, it's smart about using your viewport or tree selection to decide which skeleton to affect. Also, it doesn't just go up/down in the skins list, it will use the last visible skins. This allows you to use previous/next to go back and forth between any two (or more) skins (or animations).

Nate wrote

Sure: Show Bones: ctrl + B

If there was a way to thumbs up I would ๐Ÿ˜ƒ awesome, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

Nate wrote


Sigh :x , besides literally posting the emoticon! |(

Thank you Nate!๐Ÿ˜ƒ
We'll have to wait more to get this in a non beta version though, won't we?

OT: what are your sleeping schedules anyway, you both have kept answering this topic every 2-3 hours lol

Nate never sleeps. He's a robot from the future, running on hot sauce.

Erikari wrote

OT: what are your sleeping schedules anyway, you both have kept answering this topic every 2-3 hours lol

badlogic wrote

Nate never sleeps. He's a robot from the future, running on hot sauce.

Sleep schedule? What is a sleep schedule? Can you eat that? Like hot sauce?
I'm in crunch mode for the thesis :nerd: