Hi again (yeah it's the day I post bugs 😃)
So I'm on PC, running 3.5.51 on Windows 10 Pro.
I noticed 3 minors bugs.
First one is, if I'm dragging and dropping too fast an image from the image folder on the scene, it doesn't work, the image is not created on the scene. I need to go slow.
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Second one, even if the image was not created, the image icon stays green. It should be red. It's just a refresh thing, because when you take another one, the right color of the 01 is back, the red one I mean. Notice how the green icon become red.
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And third one, it seems there's a zone where I cannot create my image dropping it.
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Alright, after a test, it seems it's related to the position of my toolbar being on the right.
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If I put my toolbar on the left, I can drop near the Tree.