it remains that if you take a look at github, there are plenty of developers who developed a audio API in only few months, and for free ans in solo !!!.
The reason for my complaint is that the software costs me 400$ CAD and that there is a lot of improvement to make and a lot of promise.
As a developer I am aware and know compatibility problems, but I think that everybody is very much expecting the next update.
I take into consideration that the team is looking to be compatible with as much of "frameWork" as possible, which is a freak lot of work!
Personally and by logic, I do not work with the betas, so I wait until the next stable update.
Audio is a big wait, but also a export engine similar to TexturePacker, and also compatibility with normalMap management.
i dont like the exporter for now,
but for now i very love how spine work
also youtube tutorial video...
it very awesome to have Broadcasted live on Twitch with 4 Hours from Erika.
But dev need a short video and a pro video tutorial editing with pro editing to learn fast.
Also Erika tell me , >4houre video we don't have subtitles from youtube , so we can translate and it hard to understand..
i great video tutorial are between 3 to 20 min