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renaming multiple sequential bones
A nice feature would be the ability to select multiple bones (or any other item), then give it a name like:
"tail_bone_1", and all other selected bones, will get a sequential name according to their selection order,
so spine will automatically will name them tail_bone_2, tail_bone_3 etc..
if there's already an item with that name, it will just try the next number and so on..
I find my self spending a lot of time renaming bones, the search and replace feature is great, but sometimes
simple mechanism like I described is very helpful
oh and another feature to rename directly in the tree view, maybe by using F2, would also be a time saver imo
Is this feature on the way? I found myself also facing the same problem quite often.
Sometime when create bone for a path, I just forget to rename the 1st bone before creating the 2nd, 3rd, ...
Rename each bone right now is very time consuming.
A batch rename would definitely help.
1.Selecting multiple bone
2.press F2
3.Enter a name or pattern
3.Check if %n exist
If not, auto append number at the end. e.g. Apple 1, Apple 2, Apple 3
Otherwise, replace %n with seq number.
I got the ok from Nate! added here: Renaming multiple sequential bones Post a reply · #330 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor