• Bugs
  • Question for "maybe" two bugs

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Hi there.

I think i have found a bug (Or maybe i use it wrong in that case let me know).
The bug is, after a while, when i set my weights on mesh, the "auto" option stop working and set all the weight on the first bone i attached to it. If i do the weight on another mesh after getting this bug on one, that do the same. I have to restart Spine for making it work again. Any hint ?

Second "problem" is. When i drag and drop a file from a folder to, let's say, Photoshop, (But that the same with anything else), if i pass my mouse on top of Spine, he freeze and make the computer almost freezing. And that stop the drag and drop also ... If i open the Task manager to kill Spine process, he suddenly work fine again.

And, last but not least, is it possible to create folder on the tree to be able to organize and navigate more easily ?

  1. do you have bones outside the mesh? this could be part of the problem, or if this is not the case, could you send us a file that reproduces the problem to contact@esotericsoftware.com please?

  2. is the problem happening with a folder that is used by Spine as well?
    I usually open the images folder files inside photoshop and modify them inside photoshop to see the result in spine every time I save, so it's very strange what you are describing. Can you record a video?

  3. Folders are not present in spine, but you can use bones and/or slots to help you structure the hyerarchy in the tree. for example I usually have a bone for special effects so that I can collapse it and use only when I need to see them.

Thanks for the Quick answer.

1 - My bones are sometime outside yes. But if that the reason, why that works when i reboot Spine ?

2 - Nope, that happen by passing any picture on top of spine i guess. For example, on a double screens, if a folder is on top of spine and if we want to drag and drop a picture from this folder to a software opened on the other screen, that sometime bug. Maybe it's when we pass the picture on top of the hierarchy. i don't know.

3 - Yep, i already use that but that not very handy when you start to have a lot of bones. let's say for example i have different boots for one character and i want to group all the boots to be able to see an organised hierarchy where i can quickly found all the boots. Even if they are children of differents bones (Like leg left and leg right). Like maybe a way to sort them by group or folder on the hierarchy. (I know we can create group shortcut already, could be great if it can appear on the hierarchy.)

I use colors on bones as well, that pretty cool on the workplace but on the Hierarchy it's not that easy to read. Could be great if for example all the lines of the colored bones are highlighted with the same color. (Like the folders colors on photoshop if you know what i mean.)

Thanks !

  1. Not sure, I guess I'll have to investigate, can you provide a repro case?

  2. what system are you on? so you're on a double screen? does that happen also on single screens? what kind of setup do you have? a video would have helped.

  3. Naming conventions are your friends in this case, if you filter the tree on attachments they get alphabetically sorted, therefore if all your boots start with "boot" the'll be automatically grouped. We have a feature on our roadmap that would ease your life (and mine eheheh) and it's a text to filter option. Type-to-filter for tree · #5 · EsotericSoftware/spine-editor I'll add this topic to it so Nate feels the pressure lol

  4. I don't know, I like them as they are, but it's not a bad idea either, maybe we could ask Nate for an option to see the tree this way?


1 - A repro case ? You mean giving you a situation when the bug appear everytime ?

2 - I'm working on Windows 10 pro on my Wacom Companion 2 (The 16Go RAM and 512Go HDD version). But i also use it on a more "standard" computer whith Windows 10 pro also and similar hardware. I don't know if thats happen on single screen. I tried to make the bug happenning again to create a video of it, but for sure this time that doen't happen... If i find the reason why i contact you again with a video if possible. I wonder if it's not in link with windows explorer... I don't know.

3 - Yep, but by doing that, only attachments appears, no bones or anything elses. Thats the problem.
Text to filter option could be great yeah. Haha, ok, sorry Nate :p.

4 - Yep, actually they are not bad at all, but when we start to have a lot of things in the tree, that not easily readable. So yeah, could be great to have that to ! Or the folders ! :p. But i think that gonna be harder to make than highligted lines ^^.

  1. yes, as I explained in my first reply

  2. Alright! (let's hope it was all gone into void never to be seen again 😛 )

  3. Yeah Nate! We need it!

  4. I'll let you know when Nate is back (:

a month later

Hi ! I'm back !

So i get the "Weight bug" again. I took a video of it.

So, what happen in the video. I want the forearm to get weight from all the bones of the arm. And the "auto" doesn't work. 2 of the 3 bones are only partially in the image of the forearm.

i realised that the "auto" only take the weight of the first bone i link to it. Like i did in the video.

Here is the video :

This problem it's happening quite often but i used to restart Spine and that was working.

But since the last update, restarting Spine change nothing anymore.

Any ideas ?

Thanks !

Thanks for the answer !

Hmm, i'm not sure to get it. If i want only one bone to get bind 100% on every weight dot, i'll select only this bones nope ? So why making this change ? Is this a bug ?

And, actually, i tried again the same things as in my previous video and ... It works this time ... Here his a second video : https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbzbpjkmdodoej5/Weight_Problem.flv?dl=0

So i really don't get why this bug appear. And what i should do when this appear.

Hello!😃 In order to have your mesh auto-weighted:

one must click on the bone to make sure it gets deselected, then click on "auto" again.

(from the issue Nate linked)

Hi !

Thanks for your answer ^^.

Hmmm, i think i don't get it. i just have to click again on the bones to deselect it and Auto should work ? I can't click again on the bones itself, so i think you are talking about clicking on the bones lines in the Weight windows. If that it, that doesn't work anyway.

Here is a new video to show you : https://www.dropbox.com/s/kaknkd3m12s7c4q/Weight_Problem_Deselect%20test.flv?dl=0

I probably do something wrong.

And i still don't get the interest of this selected bone things that don't take in count the other bones ?

Thanks again.

You should perform this action after completing the Binding process.
You were still in binding mode so this is why it didn't work.


  1. press Bind
  2. select the bones to bind to the mesh
  3. press Bind again

Only at this point, do this:

  1. click on the selected bone in the Weights view, so that it is deselected
  2. Press Auto

It could be caused by the fact that you added a bone that is not inside the mesh. (the one on the shoulder)
In order to work, auto needs to be calculated on bones that are inside the mesh. this is why it's possible and useful to select only some of the bones, if you select all those bones besides the ones outside the mesh auto should work.

All the bones in this last video had at least a tiny piece inside the mesh, unlike the point bone in the other video (:

In this last case, you forgot to select all bones to perform auto instead of just having one selected. In the video before, on the contrary, you managed to have none selected, so it worked.

you should check before clicking auto:

  • is only one bone selected?
  • is a bone outside the mesh?
a month later

Ok ok. Thanks. Sorry. I think i get it.

But did this "selected" bone things gonna disappear or nope ? Cauz it's kind of annoying ?

I looked at the Task Nate show me, but i don't know if it's a task to take that of, or to do something else ^^.

Hi everyone !
I raise this topic from the dead again ! :p

I found a similar problem and i reproduce it.

So, when you have to bone working together with the same"anchor" (The same starting point) the auto Weight doesn't work.

Here is an example video of what i mean :
In the video, at first i try to make the auto weight with the "shoulder" bones with the same starting point than the upper arm bones. (By taking care of deselecting this annoying "select itself" bones things :p) and that doesn't work.

After that, i just move the shoulder bones out, to make it have a different starting point than the upper arm bones, and hop ! That's work like magic. I tried it a few time on differents files and that's happen all the time.

It's easy to avoid it so it's not bad, but just to let you know ^^.

See ya'